Sunday, September 29, 2013

Fear is death.

There are very few things I do not fear.

I'm afraid of going to sleep one night and never waking up.  I'm afraid of having back problems when I'm older. I'm afraid that I will come home one day and no one will be around. Gone. Missing. Dead. 

I'm afraid to sit down and read a book. I'm afraid of the ACT. I'm afraid of death. Dying by fire, water, heights, etc. I'm afraid of looking off of a huge cliff or building and the edge breaks... Tumbling. Falling... Not being able to do anything in my control but, fall. Fall to my death. 

Fall... It is a time of change. A time where leaves fall, change colors, and die. We watch and enjoy... But do we know what is really happening? We fear they will never grow back but when spring hits, they always come. They come fast.
Fast like a cheetah chasing an antelope.

Time. Time is money and money is time. What does that even mean? I fear that day when the last second ticks off the clock and it's over. We're done. Is there life after death? Does it just keep going and going and going and going. And going. And going... I believe it does. My religion tells me it does. But what if my religion is wrong. I fear ALL religions. There are too many beliefs. Why can't there just be one. 

I'm afraid. 


Why are bricks the way they are?
Why are they red?
Why are they hard? 
Why are they sharp? 
Why are they made of hard clay?
Why are they used to build things? Where did they get the name, BRICK? Brick, Brick, Brick. 
Say that fast. It doesn't sound worthy to be a word. An English word. 
A brick is more than just a brick
Bricks can do just about anything... 
Think of the many things bricks can do and you will be surprised... 
What is a brick?
Is it a wall?  A relationship? A sport? A planet? A saying? A electronic device? A game? A chair?
What is a brick?

Wednesday, September 18, 2013


"Appear weak when you are strong, and strong when you are weak."
-Sun Tzu
One of the greatest quotes ever said. Don't ever show your enemy you are weak. Always act as if you are bigger and better than you are opponent. NEVER. BACK. DOWN. 

Sunday, September 15, 2013


What is love? Love is a rainbow. Love is a rain drop falling from the sky. Love is a plug in an outlet. Love is a sunset. Love is like seeing yourself on t.v. Love is food. Love is music. Love is girls. But what really is love? "Love is a deep, tender, feeling of affecting toward a person; an intense emotional attachment." Well love doesn't just have to be for another person. It can be for a place or a thing. Love is the unknown. Love is a secret. Love is a family. Love will never be described. Love is like thinking about you. Love is time. Love is... Well... I'm not quite sure what love is. 

I'd like my crayons back please...

Different colors create different moods. Dark colors create a scary and dark feeling mood. Light colors create a peaceful and calm mood, and bright colors create a surprising and shocking mood. How ever, I don't believe that the color white brings any kind of mood to a picture. It's just there. 
I am almost white. I've lost my creativity and want it back. I don't remember the last time I sat down to color a picture or to read a children's story. Our society is filled with white crayons. I miss the days when nobody cared. When you could mess up and not erase. When you could stand in front of people and not be nervous. When you could go to bed looking like you did when you woke up. I miss those days. 
I miss the days when you could play pretend. When you could put your shoe on the wrong foot. When yuo cuold spell  things rong. When you could imagine the unknown. When you could be you. I miss those days. 

I am not a ROBOT.

I am human. I dream, feel, love, and grow. I can do what I want, when I want, with who I want. I can run, jog, sprint, walk, and change directions with incredible speed. I am not a robot. I can think in ways that are not straight forward. I don't need to think by code. My thoughts can go from A to B or B to Z then back to C. I am human, not ROBOT.