There are very few things I do not fear.
I'm afraid of going to sleep one night and never waking up. I'm afraid of having back problems when I'm older. I'm afraid that I will come home one day and no one will be around. Gone. Missing. Dead.
I'm afraid to sit down and read a book. I'm afraid of the ACT. I'm afraid of death. Dying by fire, water, heights, etc. I'm afraid of looking off of a huge cliff or building and the edge breaks... Tumbling. Falling... Not being able to do anything in my control but, fall. Fall to my death.
Fall... It is a time of change. A time where leaves fall, change colors, and die. We watch and enjoy... But do we know what is really happening? We fear they will never grow back but when spring hits, they always come. They come fast.
Fast like a cheetah chasing an antelope.
Time. Time is money and money is time. What does that even mean? I fear that day when the last second ticks off the clock and it's over. We're done. Is there life after death? Does it just keep going and going and going and going. And going. And going... I believe it does. My religion tells me it does. But what if my religion is wrong. I fear ALL religions. There are too many beliefs. Why can't there just be one.
I'm afraid.